
Installing OpenAI Gym with Anaconda 3

A friendly reminder on how to install Gym with conda.


Setting Up MIT AI2 on a Debian 9 Stretch

Today I've setup MIT App Inventor 2 on my old laptop that ships a Debian 9 Stretch (oldstable). Maybe I will need it in the future for some projects or maybe not, anyway, I was curious enough to install it to try it (and yes, I really like it!).

Web Development

Sublime Text for Web Development and Useful Plugins

This post is a collection of useful plugins available in Sublime Text 3, that I'm using as text editor in the development of this blog.


An Introduction

Hi everybody, I'm Giulia and with this very short post I'm going to open my blog, that I will mainly use to write about coding, machine & deep learning, Linux-related stuff and - why not - my hobbies.
