This post is a collection of useful plugins available in Sublime Text 3 that I’m using as text editor in the development of this blog.
Why Sublime?
Usually for those projects that are not overly complicated but at the same time require a little bit more effort than just writing some spare lines of code, I opt for using a (fancy) text editor, not a sophisticated IDE nor a command line editor (say bare vim), but something in-between. So far I’ve tried Lime, Atom and Sublime Text 3, this one giving me the best overall experience in terms of usability, speed, customization - there are tons of plugins out there, really - I even wrote my master thesis in LaTeX with it!
That said, it still hurts me to know that it isn’t open source; but hey.
Sublime can be easily installed following the instructions on the website, in Linux it is straightforward using the official repository.
The first thing to do is to install Package Control, the package manager: just press ctrl/cmd+shift+p, type “Install Package Control” and enter. Voilá, now you’re ready to install all these cool plugins (Note: Sublime must be restarted everytime we install something new, in order to make the modifications effective).
As its name says, it highlights matching brackets. Especially useful for HTML tags.
It lets you write Markdown while previewing live what the result will look like when rendered in a HTML page (WYSIWYG). A must-have if you keep forgetting the syntax or making mistakes like me.
This plugin enables to customize the layout by giving the possibility to split views, add panes, move them etc. in a very powerful way. To be used in addition with the predefined shortcuts already available in Sublime from View > Layout, since it actually gives more freedom.
This offers Git integration into Sublime. Mostly I use the terminal, but in case of merging or other annoying issues a nice UI can be helpful.
Adds a terminal as pane inside the window.
That’s all for now, I’m going to update this list with new findings when I have, let me know if I missed something essential.